Doing Good.

Sharing Hope.

Join us this Sunday!

9:30 am • 11:00 am

April 20th

8:30 am • 10:00 am • 11:30 am

Imagine the emotions that the disciples were going through — Jesus, their friend, leader, and proclaimed Messiah — the one they left everything for was publicly crucified. They found themselves in a locked room together — running in fear because if it happened to Jesus, it could happen to them. And all of a sudden, Jesus walks in the room. He shows them his hands and feet — it was Jesus, risen from the dead. Jesus’ victory calls the disciples from fear to faith! What areas of your life have you locked away in fear? This Easter isn’t just for the disciples. This is your Easter too! 

Join us on Easter Sunday, April 20th at 8:30, 10:00, or 11:30 as we celebrate the resurrection of our Savior and that He is calling us from fear to faith!

Bring your kids for an unforgettable Kid Life experience! They'll enjoy a special glow Easter egg hunt, delicious treats, and age-appropriate Easter lessons that make the resurrection story come alive. Your children will have a blast while learning about the hope and joy of Easter!


  • New Life Bible Recap

    Grow closer to God this year by journeying through the Bible Recap! The Bible Recap follows a chronological reading plan paired with short daily recaps by Tara-Leigh Cobble. Each day's reading takes about 12 minutes, followed by an 8-minute recap that breaks down the passages in an easy-to-understand way. There's even a kids and preteen version, making this a perfect opportunity for family discipleship!

  • Life Groups

    Life groups are where we sit face to face and learn together through weekly Bible or topical study. We have seen that people engaged in a Life Group grow both spiritually and feel more connected.

  • Life Team

    At New Life, we believe that in serving others, we not only discover God’s purpose for our lives, but we become more like Jesus. The Life Team is anyone that serves in any capacity in the church!

What’s happening at New Life

Doing good and sharing the hope of new life in Jesus.