Whole Life Generosity
Generosity. Why do we give? Why is this important? What if generosity was more than simply giving what is expected, more than what we do? What if generosity is designed by God to form our identity? We are created in the image of a generous God. As His children he calls us to live counter to the world’s culture of fear, scarcity, false securities, selfish ambitions and end consumption. We are called to open our hearts and hands and love generously just like Jesus. Whole life generosity is exactly what it sounds like-being generous with all of life, all we have and all we are. The core of generosity starts with Jesus as our model. Jesus gave up everything for our sake so that we might become like him, rich in generosity.
Are you new to the church and wonder what giving is all about? Are you interested in what happens with each dollar given to New Life? The pamphlet, Funding the Mission, breaks down why we are commanded to give and what happens with the money once you put it in the offering.
Ways to give
Thank you for supporting the ministry happening at New Life Church of the Nazarene. We have made giving easier than ever. You can choose the way to give that is easiest and best for you.
Give Online
All giving is securely processed.
Church Center App
Download our Church Center App and give.
In Person
Give in person at any celebration service. Giving boxes are located in the back of the auditorium by each exit.
Daring Faith
"Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." - Matthew 6:10
At New Life Church, we're not just building walls and roofs—we're creating spaces where God's kingdom becomes visible in our community. Every classroom, every gym court, every gathering space represents an opportunity for someone to encounter Jesus and experience His transforming love.
This expansion isn't about growing a bigger church; it's about reaching more people who have no connection to church. It's about creating room for children to hear "I love you" from their Creator for the first time. It's about giving families in our community a place to belong and discover hope.
The Expansion Plan
After much prayer and planning, we're moving forward with our building expansion in two phases:
Phase 1: Creating Essential Ministry Space
Estimated Cost: $4.5 million
This initial phase includes:
New Multi-Purpose Gym/Auditorium: This versatile space will host weekend services, community sports programs, special events, and outreach activities. It's designed to be used seven days a week for ministry.
Kid Life Renovation: Our current auditorium will be transformed into an expanded, purpose-built space for children's ministry, including:
Four new classrooms for age-appropriate learning
Expanded nursery facilities
Welcoming check-in area for families
Safe, engaging environments for children to encounter Jesus
Phase 2: Future Development
In the future, we plan to:
Connect the buildings with a welcoming central lobby
Renovate the greenhouse area for additional ministry opportunities
Further enhance our capacity to serve the community
If you are interested in partnering with us financially to make this step of Daring Faith a reality, please consider a 3 year giving pledge or a one-time gift.
Giving FAQ
What is tithing?
We believe tithing is a biblical principle. To tithe is to return to God one tenth of the income He has blessed us with, in gratitude and devotion through the ministry of the local church. We use the term ‘return’ in recognition that it is already God’s, based on scripture.
Why do we tithe?
For those investing the money, it displays their trust that God is ultimately their Provider. It is an expression of thankfulness to God for His blessings and provisions. For the church receiving the tithe, it becomes a much-needed resource for ministry and operations.
Can I mail a check?
Yes! Please mail your check to 665 Harcourt Road, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050. You can also do an automatic bill pay with your bank and have the check sent to the same address.
Do you have text to give?
Yes! You can text "give" to 84321 and it will route you to our giving page to make a donation.
What is the deadline for annual contributions?
All contributions must be postmarked by December 31st to be included on this year's contribution statement. Online gifts must be initiated by December 31st.
How do I get an online giving statement?
Giving statements are emailed twice per year. You can also access your giving records by logging into the Church Center App and looking at My Giving under your profile information.
How do I change my online giving recurrance?
From My Giving, in the Church Center App, choose the section that corresponds with the information you want to access. Manage payment methods. View recurring payments. Access your donation history and statements. Set your email and receipt preferences.
Ramsey +
Always wanted to take Financial Peace University, but couldn’t make a class? Now you can take it online on your own schedule or get your small group to do the class together! There are also other classes to take like Smart Money Smart Kids and Legacy Journey. Or if you want to get your arms around your finances—use the EveryDollar Budget app and tell your money where to go.
Get your Ramsey+ activation link by clicking on the link below! Explore your Ramsey+ membership site—there is a wealth of information and something for every member of New Life to take advantage! Imagine how much we can help God’s kingdom on earth when we all have our finances under control.